Audio Mindfulness in Action Meditation Album

Audio Mindfulness in Action Meditation Album

Self Care That Fits In Your Pocket


  • Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
  • Watch your words, for they become your actions.
  • Watch your actions, for they become your habits.
  • Watch your habits, for they become your character.
  • Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

- Lao Tzu

This collection of guided meditations and affirmations are the perfect companion to your Mindfulness in Action efforts and are a reminder of how transformative your thoughts can truly be.

Easy and straightforward, each meditation is from 5 - 15 minutes long in downloadable MP3 format for your phone, tablet or laptop, making it the perfect companion for portable soul tending for busy people on the go.

The best $15 dollar investment you ever made for yourself!

Here are the tracks inside the album:
  • Daily Peace of Mind – Your morning  comfort blend:  all the good things to get your day started and on the right track.
  • Calm in a Crisis – Your oasis in the storm; summon up the reserves of strength you DO have within you but that are hard to see right now. Let others lose their head – you’ll be keeping yours, thank you very much.
  • Self-love and Acceptance – Do you speak kinder words to your dog than to your own sweet self? Here’s a gentle guide for a big warm hug back into the arms of your BFF – YOU!
  • Forgiveness - Using the beautiful Ho'oponopono mantra, an ancient Hawaiian healing prayer as its centerpiece, this meditation is for forgiveness and reconciliation not only with others, but for yourself as well. Powerful stuff.
  • Sweet Dreams – When falling asleep naturally and effortlessly was a thing you last did as a 5 year old after a hard day on the playground. Nourish your health in this most fundamental way.
  • Bravery and Courage – Feeling like the Cowardly Lion when you really want to be wearing a Superhero’s cape? This will help you vanquish all doubts about your abilities.  Superman’s got nothing on you!
  • Heartbreak Healing – Time and distance are often cited as the prescription for getting over a broken romance. In the meantime, this meditation will be the balm to soothe the cracks in your heart as they begin to close.
  • Clarity and Direction – Your virtual crystal ball when the waters are muddy and a major fogbank just rolled into your critical thinking depot. Cobwebs be gone!
  • Healthy Is As Healthy Does – Do you find that you’re in a wrestling match with your less than stellar health habits and down for the count more often than you’d care to admit? Use this meditation to get and keep yourself on track when that bag of Cheetos is calling you by your nickname.

Price for the Album: $15

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