Who is Randi Ragan

Who Am I


Two of my favorite words right now:

Radical  & Sustainable

The dictionary defines RADICAL as: “relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough.”

I believe in radical self-care, in that how we feed and nurture our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits is a powerful act of creativity.

Like water rippling outward, everything flows from the well of wellbeing we create for ourselves.


we feel infused with energy and vitality, our thinking becomes clearer, we become more hopeful about the future


we feel physically strong we feel brave and courageous in other areas of our lives


we feel nourished we can share that abundance with others.

SUSTAINABLE is:  “able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed; able to last or continue for a long time”.

Creating wellbeing, mindfully, day in and day out, will make it sustainable.  Wellbeing habits we can rely on day in and day out are essential tools for long term success.  So is the ability to continually discover and invent new ones.

What I Believe

I see every day as an opportunity to explore moments (rituals) that will make life more sacred and put us in touch (or close proximity!) with our wise purpose.


Wellbeing needs to serve and honor the journey as it unfolds.



I’m Your Guide To The Magic Sauce 

Here's a video that shows what I mean!

All my work is about how to help you turn the ingredients of your everyday life, your daily routines and habits, into glorious, juicy, rituals that will transform your life from the inside out and the outside in.

I consider myself a guide and a facilitator to the wellbeing methods that can illuminate your experience and show you the magic sauce with which to spread all over it.

Shhh, here’s the secret:

Mindfulness in action is the magic sauce



Randi Ragan is a holistic wellbeing expert and speaker, mindfulness teacher, ceremonial guide, and green living entrepreneur. Her new book is "A Year Of Living Mindfully: Seasonal Practices to Nourish Body, Mind, and Spirit". It makes use of her experiences running GreenBliss EcoSpa, the award-winning mobile spa and wellness service she founded in 2006. A former yoga and meditation teacher, Randi has, for the past twenty years, led spiritual retreats, created experiences for healing and wellbeing, and guided groups and individuals with rituals and ceremonies to mark life’s milestones.

Randi and her work have been profiled in Martha Stewart’s Whole Living, Organic Spa Magazine, Vegetarian Times, Massage Therapy Magazine, LA Yoga Journal, and on NBC-TV’s “Your LA”, and CBS/LA Noon News, amongst others. She is a seasonal contributing writer to NaturallySavvy.com and her writing has also appeared in MindBodyGreen.com, SpiritualityAndHealth.com, and YogaDigest.com.  She was inaugural Editor/Health and Wellness for CocoEco Magazine and Contributing Columnist for Natural Child World Magazine. She has been writing her blog “The Mindful Living Almanac”, since 2008.

What Else?

I live on a hillside in Northeast Los Angeles with my husband and 15-year-old daughter Olivia, and our aging but still spry ginger cat named Mr. Marmalade. Luckily, there are still coyote packs, owls, hawks, skunks, raccoons, possums, and even the occasional bobcat that share our hill and its canyons studded with black walnut groves fifteen minutes from Downtown LA. Who Knew?


I try to plant things in our yard on a regular basis to remind me in moments of despair and angst that when you can be responsible for growing something useful that you can eat, or make into a healing tea, or revel in its beauty and scent, then all is not lost.

Basil, cilantro, thyme and parsley, lavender, rosemary, lemon verbena, nasturtium, jasmine, and white mountain sage are what’s there now.  And here’s why:  they all grow like weeds and are thus able to suffer through my benign neglect at times.

pie-cropWhat I’m thinking about: 

  • How to be a better parent with my husband to our 15-year-old daughter through these next few years she has left at home with us, and how I’m going to be a complete psycho of an empty-nester when she goes off to college and/or her life.
  • How much I miss my parents on a daily basis (my mom died in 1987 from breast cancer. She was fairly young. My dad died in 2010, he was 79. Pretty old. But it was still too soon for me.) I’m still wrestling with the category of ‘adult orphan’ I find myself in.
  • The welfare of animals (especially food animals)
  • What kind of new and delicious frozen fruit desserts I can make this summer (I’m obsessed with frozen summer treats. Something about the chemistry of it all…)
  • Also pie, I LIKE PIE. A lot. I like making it, eating it, talking about it.
  • How to more easily admit that my impatience in certain situations and under certain conditions doesn’t always result in the best outcome in said situations and conditions.
  • What my old age will be like. (#life goal:  to still be able to do a headstand when I’m 90.)
  • The miracle of good friends who stick for years and years.
  • The miracle of Annie Dillard, my favorite writer of all time. Seriously, she slays.

In fact, I’ll leave you with this, from Miss A.D.

“How we spend our days, is of course,

how we spend our lives”