Everyone needs a statement of declaration that contains all the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual beliefs for wellbeing that are important for his or her sustained good health. A manifesto is defined by Webster’s as a “written statement that describes the policies, goals, and opinions of a person or group”. I like the word ‘manifesto’. It’s Continue reading
Author: Randi Ragan
The Possibilities Ritual
The Possibilities Ritual (Happy Solstice!) On June 20, 2016 the Summer Solstice will occur – giving those of us in the Northern Hemisphere the longest day and shortest night of the year. When I think of summer and all that it implies, I think of expansion, abundance, growth, and an excess amount of energy Continue reading
Chia: The Miracle Food?
Chia: The Miracle Food? Most of us associate Chia with the catchy commercial for the little clay figures that sprout green vegetation. We put our “ch-ch-ch- chia!” pets in the kitchen window and eventually, after the novelty wears off, toss in the trash. But perhaps you’ve heard about the growing body of evidence that classifies Continue reading
Lomi Lomi: Energetic Detoxing
Lomi Lomi: Energetic Detoxing Your Spring detoxing efforts can focus not just on the biological and physiological effects of cleansing and detoxing, but also in association with toxic or stressful emotions and energy that you might be holding onto. Lomi Lomi massage is the perfect vehicle for addressing emotional energy blockages and helping to release Continue reading