Teach Your Children Well

Teach Your Children Well Did you know Earth Day is now celebrated in over 175 countries and is the 3rd largest celebrated holiday in many of our nation’s schools? Although we can and should be celebrating the earth every day of the year, taking the time to do it ceremoniously and with great intention, and Continue reading

Boring Bathroom Makeover Into A Spa-riffic Sanctuary

Boring Bathroom Makeover Into A Spa-riffic Sanctuary Everyone needs a sanctuary from the rigors of modern life, but not everyone can remodel their home and spend a fortune doing it.  Here are inexpensive solutions for creating your own eco-oasis of spa pampering.  Watch those worry lines disappear and feel the tension draining from your shoulders Continue reading

Locavore Beauty: The Next Step

Locavore Beauty: The Next Step Now is a great time to consider shopping for your beauty and bath products outside of large department stores or online retail giants.  For the same reason you might have changed your food buying habits, and are now shopping at farmer’s markets or through food cooperatives, so too, would you Continue reading