How To Love Your Face

How To Love Your Face I started noticing how much detritus can wind up on a face after having been a mother for the last 10 years:  my daughter, while not a tomboy, still amazes me with the amount of schmutz that lands on her little face.  On any given day there might be the Continue reading

Imbolc Bridgid Day

We’re Halfway There: Imbolc Bridgid Day It’s no coincidence that Groundhog Day is Feb 2.  That is the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.   It’s significant because it usurps the historically more important day of Bridgid’s Day or Imbolc Bridgid Day, celebrated for centuries on February 1.  Like many traditions associated with Continue reading

Green Holiday Tips: LED

Green Holiday Tips: Part Two

Green Holiday Tips: Part Two Happy Christmas/Merry Hannukah!  Part two of simple, easy ways to green your holidays and in addition to gifting your loved ones, you are also gifting the Earth by lowering your impact/carbon footprint. Green Holiday Tips: Decorations Lights/Decorations Switch to LED lights.  They use 90% LESS electricity than conventional strands of Continue reading