Green Holiday Tips: Eco Toys

Green Holiday Tips: Part One

Green Holiday Tips: Part One Green Holiday Tips: Eco Toys Facts: In 2007, more than 17 million toys in the US were recalled because of lead paint violations, including 2 million toys from Mattel, the largest and most recognizable toy company in the world, makers of the venerable Ken and Barbie dolls.   About 80,000 chemicals Continue reading

Give Thanks For Abundance

Give Thanks For Abundance As we begin to think about the seasonal ritual of a Thanksgiving meal and its true meaning of expressing gratitude for all we have, here are some worthwhile facts to ponder about the food we don’t eat, and instead, throw away.  (Inspired byJonathan Bloom, author of the blog, )   Continue reading

Stress Be Gone: Part Two

Stress Be Gone:  Part Two Tension is who you think you should be.  Relaxation is who you are. – Chinese Prover Some great tips to deal with unwanted stress from daily life. Herbal Teas: Brewing up a soothing cup of tea is a calming, peace-inducing ritual in itself.   If you can, find loose leaves, that Continue reading

Green Halloween Tips

Green Halloween Tips: The Politics of Chocolate I saw a headline recently that made me laugh and cringe at the same time:  “Beware:  Child Slave Labor Made Your Kit Kat Bar!” And then I realized, that is exactly the truth that needs to be emphasized more around this time of year.  The tons and tons of Continue reading