About Turmeric
Turmeric is a nutrient packed super spice that is a member of the Ginger family. Easily recognized by its vibrantly alluring deep orange glow, turmeric is frequently used as a staple ingredient in many Indian dishes, soups, and stews as it adds a wonderful, earthy flavor, and warm golden color to any dish it is in.
The most important of the active compounds found in turmeric is curcumin. Curcumin makes turmeric a robust immune system builder, and a powerful anti-oxidant. It has been used for centuries in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine to treat a variety of health problems. Let’s take a look at some of the compelling reasons you will want to keep this wonder spice as a part of your daily routine!
1. Anti-Inflammatory
Extensive research shows Turmeric to be a highly efficient source of pain relief and an impressive booster of skeletal and muscular system health. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties assist with common injuries, bone and joint challenges, and even workout soreness. Before you take another ibuprofen or pain pill, you might want to reach for Turmeric instead.
2. Cancer preventative
According to the American Cancer society, the Curcumin found in Turmeric not only interferes with molecular cancer development, but also stops the growth and spread of existing cancerous cells. It has become an important and fully natural part of holistic pre-cancer and cancer treatment.
3. Liver Support
The liver is a highly important organ in the human body and it’s responsible for converting food to energy and for cleaning blood. The liver is also vulnerable to a variety of microbial, metabolic, and circulatory challenges. Turmeric is a powerful supporter of healthy liver function and cleansing, and it has been extensively documented as a compelling treatment for several liver ailments including jaundice, cirrhosis, and hepatitis.
4. Skin healer
When used topically, Turmeric is surprisingly useful for cleansing and nourishing of the skin, as well

turmeric juice
as for promoting elasticity. When ingested, it serves as a powerful detoxificant that assists in the elimination of a multitude of skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis, chicken pox, poison ivy and acne. Also a strong fighter of skin borne parasites, this is one topical remedy that you don’t want to skip.
5. Heart Disease
Turmeric is a well-known preventer of atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque in arteries that is responsible for heart attacks and strokes. Turmeric assists by lowering cholesterol levels, and by keeping ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol from accumulating in blood vessels. It also has been clinically observed as a strong deterrent to the formation of blood clots. When looking to stay heart and blood healthy, Turmeric is a fantastic choice.
These are just a few of the amazing benefits of this truly unique and wonderful spice. Loaded with healthy nutrients, including fiber, protein, niacin, vitamin C, E, K, copper, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc, this is one force of nature that you don’t want to leave out of your daily routine!
Turmeric Tonic
- 5-7 inches fresh turmeric root (available at most health food stores)
- 3 tablespoons prepared tamarind paste (available at many Asian groceries and markets)
- ½ inch piece of fresh ginger root, peeled
- 2 organic lemons, juice only
- Raw honey
- Peel turmeric root. (Your fingers will turn yellow. All-natural dish soap gets it right out. If your cutting board or countertop get stained, slather on dish soap and rub it in. Let it soak in for 5 min or longer, then scrub with water and sponge)
- Fill a pot with filtered water, put peeled turmeric in and let it boil for at least 20 minutes until the water becomes a rich and vibrant marigold color.
- Pour a little bit of cold water into the pot of turmeric tea to lower the temperature, then pour into the blender with the turmeric root. Blend so all the roots are assimilated into the liquid. (The color now should look like an extra, extra fiery marigold)
- Add the tamarind paste, ginger root, and lemon juice to the blender with the turmeric tea. Blend well.
- Pour the tea into a large mason jar(s). Add honey to taste, close with lid, shake it up to mix.
Store in fridge up to 3-4 days and drink daily for health maintenance and illness prevention.
Turmeric-Honey Medicinal Paste
This all-purpose remedy will effectively treat a variety of disorders listed above (joint pain, eczema, psoriasis, chicken pox, poison ivy and acne), when ingested. It’s ingredients may be easier for you to source than the ones listed for the Turmeric Tonic Tea.
- 9 parts dried turmeric powder (makes sure your purveyor is reputable – badly sourced turmeric powder can be processed with lead in it)
- 1/2 part freshly ground black pepper, in a very fine grind (black pepper helps the absorption of the polyphenols – active ingredients – in turmeric by 2000%)
- 1/2 part dried ginger powder

turmeric honey paste
Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Start adding a liquid honey into the powder. It helps to warm the honey briefly in a microwave which allows it to absorb into the powders better.
Just make sure the honey is not whipped or crystallized because you need it to be runny. Stir, slowly adding the honey until all the powder is dissolved and you have a thick paste. The amount will vary depending on the moisture content of the honey, but a pound of turmeric in honey usually fills a 20 oz. jar.
- Eat a teaspoon-full of the paste every day until condition resolves.
- Blend with nutmilks (coconut, cashew, almond) for a drinkable beverage for children coming down with infections.
Turmeric Facial Mask
Indian brides have long used turmeric as a head-to-toe body scrub and face mask to brighten and soften skin before their weddings. It’s benefits as a beauty product are that it is very high in anti-oxidants that slow down cell damage, improves skin texture, and helps diminish wrinkles.
- 1 tsp turmeric powder
- 2 tsp uncooked brown rice or rolled oats
- 3 Tbsp. plain yogurt
- ½ -1 tsp. honey (warmed to be of liquid consistency)
- Grind rice or oats in coffee grinder to fine powder.
- Transfer to mixing bowl and add other ingredients, combine well to make paste.
- Smooth turmeric paste over face and let set for up to 10 minutes.
- Rinse with lukewarm water, pat dry.