Drinking In The Joy

Drinking In The Joy Many years ago, one evening on a late August day, I was in my backyard watering a row of sunflowers I had planted against a side fence.  It had been another hot, dry day, and I enjoyed the pleasure of getting slightly splashed at the same time I was watering the flowers.  The cool water Continue reading

Raising An Eco-Conscious Child

Tips For Raising An Eco-Conscious Child Parenting, even on its good days, is mighty difficult.  One constant is second guessing; many times I wonder if I should have done it differently. Even with a successful outcome, the learning curve with every age child is extremely steep! There is one aspect of parenting, though, that never needs to be doubted, and that Continue reading

Peach-y Keen

What is more quintessential about summer than a perfectly ripe, juicy peach?  It’s almost peach season, so here a some healthy facts about peaches as well a few quick and easy recipes (for beauty as well as to eat) so you can get busy celebrating the glorious, wonderful peach. Peaches are high in a number Continue reading

Japanese Art Of The Bath

Japanese Art Of The Bath A few years ago I was interested in opening a day spa that had as one of its options, the opportunity for customers to experience Japanese style bathing rituals and aesthetics.  So I delved into all things Japanese baths, and while the day spa idea morphed into GreenBliss EcoSpa (my Continue reading