Walking Wisdom

Springtime is an ideal time for getting outdoors and immersing yourself in the beauty of the season.  Take the time to notice your surroundings:  smell the smells, listen to the sounds, feel the changes in the air against your skin, see all the colors and textures of things in bloom.  It’s a wonderful opportunity to Continue reading

Mindfulness As Good Medicine

Mindfulness As Good Medicine Every day a new report surfaces to trumpet what we should all be doing to be healthier:  The secret is probiotics!  Turn upside down for 5 minutes every day!  Eat no white food:  sugar, flour, dairy! Drink 5 cups of green tea every day!  Get colonics once a month!  Eat 1/2 Continue reading

Greetings for the New Year

Greetings for the New Year The wheel has turned again, and here we are at the starting point of a New Year. Greetings and Blessings for the New Year!  What a great time to focus on how best we all want to live our lives: spending more time with those we love, creating meaningful work, Continue reading

Share More, Be More Happy

Share More, Be Happier What would make you happier? More money? Sure, why not?  Maybe not. A recent book (Happy Money:  The Science Of Spending by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton), reports that the amount of money, or income each year most Americans need to be happier, is about $75,000.  Anything after that, and the beneficial effects Continue reading