The Food Revolution Needs YOU! Jamie Oliver and his food revolution came to my neighborhood not long ago. I have a little mom-crush on him, and hope he manages to outmaneuver the LAUSD in his quest to bring some food reform to their antiquated school lunch program. It’s very “of the moment” that he made Continue reading
Author: Randi Ragan
Go Green For Your Child’s Birthday Party
How To Go Green For Your Child’s Birthday Party Whirling dervishes we mothers are: at any one time juggling dozens of things on our to do list, staying on top of everyone’s schedules, keeping the household running, squeezing in exercise time (!), a few hours sleep – and oh yeah, doing what we have to Continue reading
A reminder about 66 million plastic water bottles….
A reminder about 66 million plastic water bottles…. Every now and then, it’s important to re-aquaint ourselves with some basic eco facts. The conventional wisdom is that the general public needs to constantly have relatable facts put in front of them to help them begin to shift their behavior toward a more sustainable model. The mantra of “it’s the small Continue reading
Winter in Los Angeles
Winter in Los Angeles We are now deeply into winter, aren’t we? For those of us here in Southern California, it means we’re able to drive an hour in one direction up to the nearby mountains and go skiing, sledding, and snowball fighting. It also means we can drive an hour in the other direction Continue reading