Mind Body Connection: Depression The mind body connection never ceases to amaze me. The ties that bind the two are incredibly strong, and everyday, emerging science shows how powerful an affect they can have on each other – altering our health, our general outlook, our attitudes, our happiness. Physical and social pain share much the same neural Continue reading
Heart & Soul Tending
Autumn Equinox Re-Balancing
Celebrate Autumn Equinox with these Re-Balancing Tips Autumnal Equinox is the seasonal balancing of day and night (they are equal in length). If you are interested in aligning yourself more with the turning of the seasons, there are some beautiful things to embrace in that pursuit. Prioritizing how to re-balance yourself in terms of workloads, “me time”, Continue reading
Interview With Maggie Wheeler
Interview With Maggie Wheeler Singing In The Stream Interview with Maggie Wheeler, singer, songwriter, choir director and workshop facilitator, about using the power of one’s own voice to shift consciousness in the individual, as well as the world. Q: Would you explain a little about what you do? A: Four years ago I co-founded The Continue reading
Cleopatra – Original Spa Diva
Cleopatra – Original Spa Diva Cleopatra, knew a good thing when she saw it. This queen of ancient beauty was legendary for her magically youthful looks throughout her whole life, even as she got older. The real secret to the beauty of her silky skin was the anti aging effect of bath salts, mud and Continue reading