Give Thanks For Abundance

Give Thanks For Abundance As we begin to think about the seasonal ritual of a Thanksgiving meal and its true meaning of expressing gratitude for all we have, here are some worthwhile facts to ponder about the food we don’t eat, and instead, throw away.  (Inspired byJonathan Bloom, author of the blog, )   Continue reading

Green Halloween Tips

Green Halloween Tips: The Politics of Chocolate I saw a headline recently that made me laugh and cringe at the same time:  “Beware:  Child Slave Labor Made Your Kit Kat Bar!” And then I realized, that is exactly the truth that needs to be emphasized more around this time of year.  The tons and tons of Continue reading

Autumn Equinox Re-Balancing

Celebrate Autumn Equinox with these Re-Balancing Tips Autumnal Equinox is the seasonal balancing of day and night (they are equal in length).  If you are interested in aligning yourself more with the turning of the seasons, there are some beautiful things to embrace in that pursuit. Prioritizing how to re-balance yourself in terms of workloads, “me time”, Continue reading

Autumnal Equinox: Finding Balance

The Autumnal Equinox: Finding Balance When you eventually see through the veils to how things really are, you  will keep saying again and again, “This is certainly not like we thought it was”.      —  Jalaluddin Rumi The next couple of posts will be devoted to the Autumnal Equinox, this year occurring on September Continue reading